We are all busy running around to get
our things done. For a change let us stop for a moment and think about all our
activities. What do we want to achieve by these activities? A poor man wants to
become rich; a rich man wants to get rid of stress; a sick man wants a doctor
and a doctor wants peace of mind. All our activities are either directed
towards getting something we like or get rid of something we hate. Do we
succeed in this attempt? Whatever we get, we don’t stop there. We want more of
it or something else that is more attractive. Are our activities really
meaningful? Do our activities take us towards the goal, whatever the goal may
be? Unlike animals, human beings cannot just be satisfied with the basic needs
of food and shelter. We have an inner urge to become greater, happier and more
knowledgeable. Ultimately all of us have the same goal. One may want to be an
engineer, the other a doctor and the third an accountant. But what we want to
achieve ultimately is one and the same. What is that one thing we all really
want? Can we really get it?
In this age of internet, we have all
sorts of information flowing in. At a click, we get the information we want.
But the problem is the human tendency to search for what is interesting and convincing
to self. Further there is so much of information pleasing the sense organs
which may be counterproductive and distracting to the main goal of life. We
need to get this knowledge of truth certainly from an experienced teacher who
really knows it and the way to get it. If we keep acting according to our whims
and fancies up to the end of life, the inner urge will still be lingering and
the body and mind hankering for pleasures which cannot be fulfilled due to old
age. It will be too late and the unique human birth would have already been
wasted by then. Therefore now, from this moment, without wasting any more time
we need to know what the best action plan is. This action plan is time tested
and given by the most trusted teachers of humankind. Let us try to follow their
steps as below (we shall reach goal at the end):
Actions are of
two types - One to fulfill one’s own desire. The other done out of compassion
to others without expecting anything in return for oneself. There is nothing
wrong to have rightful desire to fulfill personal needs. But the time spent on
this type of action should reduce and as we mature, the second type of actions
should increase.
· The second type of actions can be to
help other human beings. It can be for other living beings or it can be for
preserving nature. It could be devotion to God- pure devotion, love of God just
for love.
· We should increasingly indulge in rightful actions guided by scriptures and
noble persons; reduce wrongful actions induced by greed and hatred.
· We would not have got this body without
our parents and their parents. We cannot live on this earth without air, water
and fire. We need sun light, and our very earth exists in space. Therefore we
are indebted to all these and hence we should be thankful for these every day.
If not every day, we should at least periodically worship our forefathers and
all the elements that keep us alive. This sense of worship will help in our
progress towards our goal.
· Daily prayer in the morning and evening,
Yogasanas (simple physical exercises)
to maintain good health, eating simple food (that is enough to keep good health)
are all needed to achieve the ultimate goal. Either pampering the body by
laziness or torturing it by excessive activity must be avoided.
· Our duty and responsibility are due not
only to other human beings, but also to the whole creation. We should help
maintaining the order of nature. This is the fundamental principal of ecology,
of which the world talks a lot these days.
· We better dedicate all our actions to
God. Whatever work we do, let us do it whole heartedly and with love, as
service to God. We should not claim ownership for success and failure. We should
think that we are just instruments in the hands of God. He does everything
through us. We should accept all results of dedicated actions, as a gift from
· It is our duty to look after our
children and be responsible for their welfare. But we should not try to own
them as materials and dictate our own terms to them, due to our excessive
attachments. We should always be conscious that one day they will grow, become
independent and have their own views about their lives.
· We should consume the minimum that is
required for living. We should try to contribute as much as possible.
Gratification of senses will drag us deeper and deeper into the sea of sorrows.
At the advanced age we will be helpless. We will not be able to control the
longing for sense pleasure due to habitual indulgence.
· Self control is absolutely essential
for a happy life. Nobody has ever achieved anything worthy without control of the
mind and sense organs.
· All of us need not do the same thing at
the same level. There are so many ways as many individuals. For example, some
might realize early that mere selfish actions produce unending chain of actions
without any progress towards the goal of life. Such people may do more actions
as dedication to God and make a quick progress. But all must try to regulate
sense pleasures and control the mind. Finally the mind should listen to us and
not vice versa
· In
fact even unselfish actions such as social service are really self help only, but
of higher nature. Only such actions help in getting a pure mind and to
concentrate on higher levels of
what do we get out this action plan of life? We get self esteem, peace,
harmonious environment and above all a pure mind to go to the final stage of
our goal. A human life is never completed unless it realizes eternal existence,
unlimited knowledge and absolute bliss. In fact all these three are one and the
same. This state can never be explained in words. Only if we have followed the
above steps we can reach the next stage where we can realize this state here,
in this world itself. The ultimate goal is not explained here in detail as it
is our own nature, higher true nature. We just want to merge with our true
nature. It is possible to reach there if we have followed the above steps
sincerely in our life. Last minute preparations won’t work as this is life and
not an academic exam to pass. Let us put our sincere efforts. God’s grace will
take us there with the help of proper knowledge and guidance.
-Arasu Ramanujam