1. Realize your inner urge
A leader has an inner urge to lead. If you have this urge, you will be a leader some day. But you need to realize this urge and also your unique value that differentiates you from the rest. This is the basis of a confident leader. All other factors like training and learning can help to polish and shape this urge to bring out the leader in you.
2. Believe in your goal
A leader always has an intense desire to achieve the goal which he believes as important. Without firm belief in a goal no one can lead. Educating the poor was dear to Kamaraj, feeding the poor was important to MGR; freedom of India was the goal of Mahatma Gandhi. Think of a goal for which you live and believe that your life is incomplete without achieving it. This gives you the power to lead.
3. Show the way
Always be ready to walk in a way that nobody has walked before. A leader can be a leader only when he has people to follow him. A leader should have something in him for people to follow him. People follow you only when they trust you. Every one trusts the brave and honest that can show the way.
4. Communicate in your style
All leaders have effective communication skills. It need not be verbal always. For example, to express love a look is better than words. You may have your unique technique. But what is in your mind must reach your followers exactly the way you thought about it. This cements you with your team.
5. Love to give
A leader finds happiness in giving; contributes more and consumes less. You are celebrated and admired by your followers because you put your goal and your team above your personal needs. Nobody in human history has become a leader without some sacrifice. If you are a leader you will love to sacrifice some of your personal needs for the common goal.
6. Innovate to grow
Whether you are in corporate, politics or trade, you need to grow. A leader has the urge to grow and always innovates new ways to keep growing. You can lead as long as you grow yourself and the organization.
7. Influence as role model
Have you ever seen a leader without the power of influence? A leader influences his team with his own behavior. Nobody will follow a leader with just empty words. Influencing power comes from the capability of setting an example. Show your team that you can stitch your shirt, wash your plate and clean your toilet when required. This is possible only with self esteem, hard work and continuous practice.
8. Dedicate yourself
Dedication to the cause is a natural quality of a true leader. This dedication should be in your mind all the time irrespective of your different activities. Leadership is never a ‘nine to five’ job. Relieving the pain of your followers makes the most lovable experience of this dedication. Everyone loves you as long as you are meaningful to them. This is possible only when you dedicate yourself for the cause, a common cause of your team.
9. Inspire as fire
People need inspiration. A leader, inspired by his own cherished principles, in turn inspires people. Inspiration is like fire. It is always hot and bright, anything comes near it catches fire. A leader is always full of energy with cheerful face-glows like fire and inspires.
10. Excel in difficult times
Every person performs well in good times. A leader excels in difficult times. People look for a leader in tough times. In fact, a difficult time is the best time for an emerging leader. No doubt a leader performs well in good times but in tough times when everyone else succumbs, the leader excels and guides others.
-Arasu Ramanujam