Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where is love?

I am not blind, I am the eye behind
All eyes that see, I am true love.
Search not in vain, I am in you
I am in all and all in me.

Try to know me, I am the source
Near yet far, I am true love.
I am the cause of all the forms
Eternal, everywhere, I am true love.

-Arasu Ramanujam

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Six rules

Six rules of life ……………..
1.   Never mind who it is, smile and show your delight.
2.   Never give up, keep trying until you succeed.
3.   Never say yes, when you want to say no.
4.   Never feel shy to express your joy, laugh when you  feel   like.
5.   Never hesitate to seek help when you need it.
6.   Never procrastinate, be on time every time.
…………… learn from your six months old child
And these six rules……………….
1.       Always respect parents, teachers and elders.
2.       Always be kind to others and help the weak and poor.
3.       Always respect food and thank the one who gives food.
4.       Always be frank in speech, never hide truth.
5.       Always be brave, fear not and hurt not
6.       Always help yourself, your effort alone is your wealth
…………………to teach your child before she/he is six years old
(When you leave a nine months old child with a load of toys in a room, the child ignores all toys, cruises to a corner and picks up some tiny particle and puts it into its mouth. The child is attracted by external objects, starts liking anything new and gets bored with objects already known. This is the tendency of all children when they start interacting with the external world. Inputs through the five sense organs are so exciting and the organs of action start executing.  Ego starts here. A simple person is getting developed into a personality. You may also notice the child getting angry when she cannot reach something she wants. She gets frustrated when she is not fed in time. She starts crying when someone snatches her toys. The feeling of possession starts here. All good and bad habits start when the child starts interacting with external objects and people. The role of parents in guiding and regulating the desires of children up to six years is very important in shaping their future. If the opportunity is missed at this age, it will be extremely difficult to make up for the loss in future. Therefore it makes sense to learn these six values from the innocent child at six months and teach at least the six values as the child grows and reaches six)
-Arasu Ramanujam