Here are ten practical steps for those who don’t want to fail.
Good desire and determination
It is said that even God created this universe out of his desire and determination (sankalpa shakthi). Good, non binding desire produces best results. Half hearted approach takes you nowhere. The first step is to have good desire and determination to achieve.
Self confidence
Unshakable Confidence in oneself is the real capital for any program. Even if the whole world is behind you, things won’t work if you have doubt in your confidence. Confidence in you makes the difference between success and failure.
Define goal well
Define and understand your goal well. Know your strength to achieve the goal. Think well before setting the goal and keep going with full focus afterwards.
Pray to remove obstacles
Three types of obstacles may come in way when you progress - obstacles from your own side like bad health, obstacles from external factors in the surrounding and obstacles from natural forces or divine powers. As you have no control on these factors prayer is the best way to ward off these. Hence we say ‘Om shanti’ three times when we pray.
Prioritize your tasks
Never attempt to do everything at a time. Prioritize your tasks. Select top three tasks in a given period of time and manage your time accordingly.
Your team comes first
Always your team is more important than anything else. All other factors come next. Trust in yourself and the team. This is the key for success. Fulfill all reasonable needs of your team. Do not compromise on this as the team should have absolute trust in you to give its best.
Judgment and decision
The most important difference between animals and human beings is the power of choice. How well you perform depends on your judgment and decision at a critical moment. Correctness of decision depends on wisdom, accuracy and usefulness of data.
You are the driver
When you have taken the responsibility, you are the driver. For a driver there is nothing above, only a structure has hierarchy. Everybody will go with the driver including the top as long as the driver is going in the right direction. As a driver, anticipate problems and avoid them before you face them.
Work for excellence
Always work for excellence. If a job is done, it is to be done well. ‘Me too’ attitude never works. If you do a job, you should know what you contribute specially in it. Enjoy when you work. It is not worth doing something if you don’t enjoy.
Time and speed
Timing of an action and speed at which you do it give you the advantage over any competition. Many great successful events happened in history were mainly due to right timing. Speed puts you ahead. Nothing can fail you when you are in right time.
If you have followed all the ten steps above, you cannot fail. If you still feel you have not got what you wanted, God will have something even better than that for you. Leave it to Him.
-Arasu Ramanujam
-Arasu Ramanujam
Very true and very inspiring. I particularly like the last line and totally believe in it! Thats what my parents have taught me from childhood although its tough to practice in reality! Veena Rajkumar